



差价合约 (CFD) 是一种多功能的金融工具。当您选择在 MYFX Markets 交易指数差价合约时,您选择的是现货差价合约 (CFD)。这实际上意味着您是在对指数本身的价格波动进行投机,而不是持有基础期货合约。这一独特特性使您可以以较小的合约规模进行交易,是指数交易新手的理想选择

为什么选择交易指数差价合约 CFD?

在 MYFX Markets,我们的愿景是重新定义您进入全球市场的方式——使其交易比以往任何时候都更简单、更快速、更有效率。这便是您选择我们的理由。












根据风险承受能力调整杠杆 ,使您可以灵活控制交易策略,实现更好的风险管理和投资目标


Copyright © 2024 MYFX Markets
MYFX Markets is a trademark owned by Online Markets Technology Services LLC, and operates through the following authorised and regulated entities including:

Online Markets Technology Services LLC is incorporated in Saint Kitts and Nevis under the Nevis Limited Liability Company Ordinance 2017 with NEVIS LLC No.22021.

AXIS INC. is incorporated in St Vincent and the Grenadines, number 24078 IBC2017 by the Registrar of International Business Companies, and registered by the Financial Services Authority, and whose address is Frist Floor, First St Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

MYFX Markets, provides you with educational resources to help you become familiar with all the trading features and tools in the trading platform. With the demo account you can test any trading strategies you wish in a risk-free environment. Please bear in mind that the results of the transactions of the practice account are virtual, and do not reflect any real profit or loss or a real trading environment, whereas market conditions may affect both the quotation and execution. FX products are leveraged products and trading FX therefore involves a high level of risk that may not be suitable for everyone. MYFX Markets recommends that you ensure that you fully understand the risks involved before making any decision concerning MYFX Markets’ products. Independent advice should be sought if necessary.
Warning: FX market involves significant risks, including complete possible loss of funds. Consequently trading is not suitable for all investors and traders. By increasing leverage risk increases as well.

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