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Trade Crypto Currencies with MYFX Markets

Unlock the World of Cryptocurrency Trading with MYFX Markets

Welcome to the future of trading at MYFX Markets, where we offer you the exhilarating world of cryptocurrency trading.

Discover the advantages of trading cryptocurrencies with us, where we offer a diverse selection of 5 prominent cryptocurrencies and the added benefit of up to 5 times leverage on our award-winning MT4/MT5 platform.


Contract Size
1 Coin
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots

Bitcoin Cash

Contract Size
10 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots


Contract Size
100 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots


Contract Size
10 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots


Contract Size
10,000 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots

A Currency Beyond Central Control

Unlike traditional fiat currencies such as the US dollar or euro, which are subject to government and central bank oversight (like the US Fed and ECB), cryptocurrencies operate within a decentralised framework. This decentralised system is overseen by the global community and administered through an extensive network of computers leveraging blockchain technology. Consequently, cryptocurrencies remain impervious to government interference or manipulation of their supply and value. Moreover, ownership and trading of cryptocurrencies extend worldwide, transcending any single economy or geographical region.

Ideal for Risk Hedging

Cryptocurrencies, as decentralised and globally traded assets, remain impervious to governmental or organisational control. Consequently, market prices remain untethered to specific country's political or economic shifts, instead being solely governed by the dynamics of supply and demand. This inherent quality makes cryptocurrencies a favoured choice among traders for diversifying portfolios and mitigating risks stemming from political volatility and economic ambiguity.

Unlocking Profit Opportunities

The burgeoning credibility and popularity of cryptocurrencies have ignited remarkable price surges, delivering unprecedented returns for both novice and seasoned traders. Furthermore, the market's high volatility presents enticing profit prospects. It's crucial to acknowledge that this volatility cuts both ways, potentially leading to losses with certain trading decisions. Nevertheless, traders are flocking to the market, eager to partake in this extraordinary growth narrative.

Hedging Against Inflation

Despite the existence of millions of cryptocurrencies in circulation and active trading, their overall supply remains finite. This inherent scarcity factor likens cryptocurrency trading to that of precious assets like gold or diamonds. Cryptocurrencies' inherent scarcity has propelled them into the limelight as a favoured asset for hedging against the erosive effects of inflation.

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MYFX Markets, provides you with educational resources to help you become familiar with all the trading features and tools in the trading platform. With the demo account you can test any trading strategies you wish in a risk-free environment. Please bear in mind that the results of the transactions of the practice account are virtual, and do not reflect any real profit or loss or a real trading environment, whereas market conditions may affect both the quotation and execution. FX products are leveraged products and trading FX therefore involves a high level of risk that may not be suitable for everyone. MYFX Markets recommends that you ensure that you fully understand the risks involved before making any decision concerning MYFX Markets’ products. Independent advice should be sought if necessary.
Warning: FX market involves significant risks, including complete possible loss of funds. Consequently trading is not suitable for all investors and traders. By increasing leverage risk increases as well.

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